Why will not My Trees Produce Fruit?

Why will not My Trees Produce Fruit?


Why will not My Trees Produce Fruit?

A lot of us have probably planted a couple of fruit trees once in our lifetimes. The worse thing that can happen when you planted a fruit tree is for it to never produce fruit regardless of how big and full of life the tree is. Truth be told, there are many reasons that can cause your trees not to produce fruit. To gain a better understanding of what is causing your trees to not produce fruit; here are some common reasons you ought to know about.

Tree Maturity

One of the most popular reasons as to why your trees are not producing fruit is because the trees are not mature enough. A young tree is not developed enough for frut production therefore you must give it a couple of years to reach that development for fruit production.


Another main reason as to why your tree are not producing fruit may be pollination. Fruit trees require pollination in order to produce. If your tree is not self-pollinating, you need to pant compatible pollinators nearby. Bes, birds, and wind have to be present for pollination.


Pruning is important for fruit trees. Fruits usually begin to develop in limbs that have proper air circulation- - which you obtain through pruning. Pruned trees are more apt to produce fruits.


The fruit trees you planted require pace between one an the other. If the trees are to close to each other they will begin to compete for light and nutrients and the end result of that is no fruit production.

For trees that produce fruit, it is also important for you to keep attention on the soil itself. If you would feel better on having an arborist inspect the tree and then find an adequate solution, work with Everything Tree Service today.