Why isn’t my lawn green?

Why isn’t my lawn green?


Why isn’t my lawn green?

Are you a homeowner who loves to have every single detail of their property on point? One of the most common issues in a landscape is to be unable to have a green and healthy lawn. Is your lawn green? If not, here are some things that might prevent it from being green.

Irrigation System- The number 1 enemy against a green lawn is the lack of irrigation. A green lawn needs to be watered constantly; a professional landscaper should know the right amount of watering that it requires.  An irrigation system is a must for having a green and healthy lawn.

Mowing- Mowing services are crucial in order to get a green and healthy lawn. It is important that the person that does the mowing has experience and knows how to effectively and professionally do the job, otherwise that can too damage the lawn and prevent it from being green and healthy.

Pests- Pests and grass diseases are enemy of a healthy and green lawn. Your landscaper should be able to tell you if there is a pest in your lawn and they should also be able to get rid of it effectively.

Lack of fertilizing- Every green grass needs its minerals and nutrients in order to remain green and healthy. You can get that by fertilizing your lawn with chemical or natural fertilizing. They are both good and each has its own advantage and disadvantages.

Dogs and humans- Sometimes our grass is not green because of us. Dog urinate in the grass and that is not healthy for it and we tend to walk to much on the lawn and that also prevents the grass from being healthy and green.

 A healthy landscape not only has green grass. The trees need to be healthy as well with its proper Tree trimming Services in Kirkland WA that can be done.  If you want a green and healthy lawn and landscape it all sums up in one word: MAINTENANCE. Everything needs its proper maintenance in order to be shiny and in well shape.

Call Everything Tree Service to get the proper maintenance done for your landscape.