How old is your tree?

How old is your tree?


How old is your tree?

Many people think that it is impossible to determine the age of a tree without being an expert and without cutting it down. Of course, it helps a lot if what you do for a living is related to trees.  It is important that you know how to calculate the age of a tree because the age of a tree has a lot to do with the resistance of a tree. Sometimes the age can determine whether or not you need Tree removal services in Kirkland, WA.

So…what is a practical and easy way to now the age of a tree? Measure your tree, get a measuring tape and from the bottom of the tree measure five feet from bottom to top and mark it. The next step is to measure in inches the circumference of the tree at the five feet mark. Each inch represents 1 year, so if it has 20 inches of circumference then the tree is around 20 years old.

If you would like to try with a different metric system then measure from bottom to top up to 1.5 meters and divide the circumference of the tree into 2.5 cm. So if a tree’s circumference is 80 cm then the tree is around 32 years old.

Many homeowners don’t know how easy it is to determine a tree’s age, which is why we are making it easier for them.  With this known method you can now confirm if a tree expert is in fact a tree expert or not. The most experience a tree expert has the better results and more knowledge they should get.  Now you will know if in fact you need Tree removal services in Kirkland, WA and if the tree is in fact representing any danger to your property.

Please contact our team today if you wish to know more information about this topic.